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Alborada Well Foal Study: How the foal's gut bacteria influence long-term health and performance

Alles ist gut 2024: How the foal's gut bacteria influence long-term health and performance

Professor Chris Proudman, Head of the University of Surrey Vet School, discusses findings from his recently published study which points to the potential of a racehorse found by analysing bacteria in a month-old foal’s gut.
Researchers at the University of Surrey analysed 438 faecal samples from 52 foals, who eventually went into training at 27 different stables in Britain and tracked veterinary issues and racecourse performance from birth to the age of three.

Why aftercare can't be an after thought
Ethics and Welfare

Bloodstock Conference 2024: Why aftercare can't be an after thought

The panel discusses some of the challenges and possible solutions to the vitally important subject of ensuring that our racehorses are cared for outside of a life in racing.  Subjects discussed include the types of roles fulfilled by racehorses and breeding stock beyond their direct involvement in racing, the variety of aftercare scenarios including re-training racehorses into a second career and the challenges that those rehoming racehorses are not always aware of, the role of RoR, it’s vulnerable horse scheme and advice provided.  The subject of euthanasia and the costs involved in retraining and rehoming are also discussed.

Reducing the Climate Impact of British Stud Farms
Environmental Sustainability

Bloodstock Conference 2024: Reducing the Climate Impact of British Stud Farms

Sarah is Managing Director at  ADAS the UK’s largest independent agricultural and environmental consultancy, where she has particular responsibility for Climate and Sustainability. In her presentation at the 2024 Bloodstock Conference, Sarah talks about the creation of the TBA's Carbon Calculator and how stud farms can reduce their carbon footprint.

The Race to Net Zero
Business Operations - Management

Bloodstock Conference 2024: The Race to Net Zero

Stephane Bazire, Head of Business Sustainability at Silverstone, explains how the British Formula 1 racetrack has tackled the challenge of running a successful sporting venue for spectators, while reducing its carbon footprint. Exploring the business theme at the 2024 Bloodstock Conference, Stephane presents on the Race to Net Zero.

Dr Kanichi Kusano presentation
Business Operations - Management

Bloodstock Conference 2024: International Breed Strategies

Dr Kusano outlines the successful Japanese racing and breeding strategy for excellence that has led to its worldwide success, and drawing on comparisons between the structure of the Japanese and the UK offers some views on what the UK might consider to address some of its current challenges. 

Business Operations - Management

Bloodstock Conference 2024: Skills for Stud Work

Join Joe Bradley, Eileen Harte and Adam Holland as they discuss the skills required for working on a stud farm and the value of positive working environments.

Neil Hayward presentation
Business Operations - Management

Bloodstock Conference 2024: The Winning Team

Chairman of the Horseracing Industry People Board, Neil Hayward, discusses the challenges facing breeding and racing in the recruitment and retention of its workforce.

Title slide for Dr Gemma Pearson
Ethics and Welfare

Bloodstock Conference 2024: Understanding Influencers of Equine Behaviour

Dr Gemma Pearson RCVS presents on how we can enhance human horse interactions at the Thoroughbred Breeders' Association's Bloodstock Conference.