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Codes of practice

HBLB Codes of Practice 2025 now live

The latest edition of the Horserace Betting Levy Board's Codes of Practice has been published ahead of the forthcoming breeding season. The Codes set out voluntary recommendations to help breeders, in conjunction with their veterinary surgeons, prevent and control specific diseases in all breeds of horse and pony.


Podcast: Equine Biosecurity on the Stud Farm

Join veterinary epidemiologist Vicky Colgate from the team at Equine Infectious Disease Surveillance (EIDS) in discussion about the work EIDS undertakes and the importance of biosecurity in the breeding industry with TB-Ed's Clare Daniels.

Hairy Caterpillars

Hairy Caterpillars - is there a risk?

A talk from Dr Judy Cawdell-Smith considering whether hairy caterpillars are a threat and risk to the UK.