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  • Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability course - free spaces available!

Do you work in the horse racing or breeding sector? Are you interested in making changes to benefit the environment and our surroundings? While some of the practical solutions most relevant to the industry are still little known, the team at the British Racing School, alongside industry experts White Griffin, have developed a new course.

The course explores environmental sustainability, understand how it impacts British horse racing and breeding, and discusses ways and ideas to implement practical changes. 

The course has been granted funding by The Racing Foundation, so that those who are directly employed in racing or to whom finances may be a barrier, can attend the course for free (there is a £40 non-refundable booking fee which must be paid by all Racing Foundation funded candidates, to the BRS). The cost of the course for those not meeting the requirements in £24.

Interested? Drop the BRS an email at [email protected] or click HERE for more information.