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Nutrition - Part One: The Importance of Diet in Correct Skeletal Development of the Thoroughbred

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin… so why not watch part one of a two-part webinar on the importance of diet on the correct

Bill Oppenheim

The Myths We Live By

Journalist, analyst and pedigree consultant Bill Oppenheim gives a data-led presentation where he explores the importance of sire age and matings analysis.

Dr Paull Khan
Ethics and Welfare

Breeding's Social Licence

Dr Paull Khan gives a though-provoking overview of social licence in the context of the Thoroughbred breeding industry, highlighting some of the areas for future consideration with regards to globa

Pre-Breeding Screening Part B
Infectious Disease

FREE TO VIEW - Pre-Breeding Season Screening of Equine Infectious Disease (Part B: CEM)

The second of a two-part discussion on the HBLB International Codes of Practice with Professor Sidney Ricketts, featuring information on pre-breeding season screening for Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM).  Learn more about what makes a mare have a 'high risk' status in terms of equine infectious disease.

Pre-Breeding Screening Part A TEMP
Infectious Disease

FREE TO VIEW - Pre-Breeding Season Screening of Equine Infectious Disease (Part A: EVA & EIA)

The first of a two-part discussion on the HBLB International Codes of Practice with Professor Sidney Ricketts, featuring information on pre-breeding season screening for Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) and Equine Infectious Anaemia (EIA).  Learn more about the significance of the codes in maintaining the high health status of the thoroughbred population.  

Ethology in the Breeding Shed TEMP
Introduction to Breeding

Ethology in the Breeding Shed

Dr Sue McDonnell presents on stallion managing difficult stallions in the breeding shed, by providing an understanding of how stallions have evolved and what influences effect their behaviour in the breeding shed by returning to basics and identifying what areas can be manipulated effectively.

Selecting the NH Broodmare Part 2
Introduction to Breeding

Selecting the National Hunt Broodmare - Part Two

Part Two - The second of a two part presentation that takes a detailed look at what factors in a broodmare matter, such as physical attributes, temperament of the mare, the catalogue appeal of her foals and the financial considerations when following seven golden rules.

Anthelmintic Resistance
Preventative Equine Medicine

Anthelmintic Resistance

A presentation given by Ian Cameron (Clinical Director of Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons) on anthelmintic resistance - Where are we now and where are we headed?