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Why aftercare can't be an after thought
Ethics and Welfare

Bloodstock Conference 2024: Why aftercare can't be an after thought

The panel discusses some of the challenges and possible solutions to the vitally important subject of ensuring that our racehorses are cared for outside of a life in racing.  Subjects discussed include the types of roles fulfilled by racehorses and breeding stock beyond their direct involvement in racing, the variety of aftercare scenarios including re-training racehorses into a second career and the challenges that those rehoming racehorses are not always aware of, the role of RoR, it’s vulnerable horse scheme and advice provided.  The subject of euthanasia and the costs involved in retraining and rehoming are also discussed.

Title slide for Dr Gemma Pearson
Ethics and Welfare

Bloodstock Conference 2024: Understanding Influencers of Equine Behaviour

Dr Gemma Pearson RCVS presents on how we can enhance human horse interactions at the Thoroughbred Breeders' Association's Bloodstock Conference.

Ethics and Welfare

Bloodstock Conference 2024: Shared Principles

Prof Madeleine Campbell, Independent Director of the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB) talks about the shared ethical challenges of the use of animals in sport.

TBEd video Image
Ethics and Welfare

Diversity and Inclusion in the Racing and Breeding Industry

Chris Gibbons, Director of Inside Inclusion, delivers an engaging presentation on diversity and inclusion and its relevance within today's racing and breeding industry.

Dr Paull Khan
Ethics and Welfare

Breeding's Social Licence

Dr Paull Khan gives a though-provoking overview of social licence in the context of the Thoroughbred breeding industry, highlighting some of the areas for future consideration with regards to globa

Transportation of the Mare and Foal
Ethics and Welfare

FREE TO VIEW - Transportation of the Mare and Foal

Watch this video for free - hosted by Kevin Needham and Oliver Pynn (MRCVS) to learn more about how to prepare mares and foals for travel and the considerations for optimising their wellbeing during transportation.

Body Condition Scoring
Ethics and Welfare

FREE TO VIEW - Body Condition Scoring

Watch this video for free - hosted by James Crowhurst (MRCVS) and Hayley Chidlow (MRCVS) to learn how to assess the body condition of mares and stallions of varying ages on the stud farm.  If you enjoy this video clip, the TB-Ed course on Broodmare Nutrition may be of interest to you.

Management of Older Horses
Ethics and Welfare

FREE TO VIEW - Management of Older Horses on the Stud Farm

Watch this video for free - hosted by Kate Sigsworth and Charles Cooke (MRCVS) to learn more about the management requirements of older horses on the stud farm.
