Jodie Daglish

Jodie Daglish BVSc MS DipACVSMR MRCVS, graduated from Bristol University Veterinary School in 2010. She initially undertook a 2 year internship at Newmarket Equine Hospital before pursuing an ambulatory role at Lambourn Equine Vets, working predominantly with event horses and racehorses. Following this Jodie moved to the University of California, Davis to study integrative sports medicine with a focus on acupuncture and chiropractic application in the sports horse. Jodie then enrolled in a one year equine diagnostic imaging internship at Colorado State University before transitioning into the equine sports medicine and rehabilitation residency program. During this time Jodie completed a Masters in Clinical Sciences and successfully attained board certification in Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation in February 2020. Jodie returned to work at Newmarket Equine Hospital in September 2019 and currently has a consultant role, providing lameness and poor performance evaluation and developing rehabilitation protocols for inpatients, post operative patients and for those presenting with a primary issue not requiring surgery. Jodie is the first equine veterinarian in the UK to have specialist resid,ency training in equine rehabilitation and has the capacity to provide protocols in laser therapy, extracorporeal shockwave therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, TENS, NMES, acupuncture, kinesiotape application and physical therapy. Jodie applies a whole horse approach to her case management and encourages owners and trainers to build a dynamic system of feedback and program review so that programs can be adapted rapidly and to accommodate difficulties or success according to progress.