Dr Paull Khan

Paull Khan has been involved in horseracing since undertaking his Doctorate in the Social Anthropology of the British Racing Industry in the late-70’s. In 1980, he joined Weatherbys, holding a wide variety of senior appointments, including Director of Racing and Director of Banking. He was the first member of Weatherbys’ staff to become a registered racehorse owner. Today, through his consultancy, PK International, Paull is Secretary-General of the European and Mediterranean Horseracing Federation, a position he has held since 2012. He is also a member of the Executive Council of the International Federation of Horseracing’s (IFHA), thoroughbred racing’s peak global body, and represents the British Horseracing Authority on its Technical Advisory Committee, of which he is Vice-Chair. Paull is a Director of the European Horse Network, a member of the Steering Group of the International Forum for the Aftercare of Racehorses, has sat on many international committees and has written for a number of racing publications, currently writing a regular column in European Trainer magazine. He is passionate about international racing and is keen to add to his tally of 35 countries in which he has raced.