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Business Operations - Management

Business Essentials Programme: Finance

About this course

In this Finance course. you'll be guided through: Module A: Financial Control. Module B: Maximising Income. Module C: Control of Expenditure. Module D: Legal Requirements. Module E: Use of Software for PAYE and Accounting. The programme is delivered in four courses: Employment, Finance, Leadership and Maximising Team Performance, and Marketing and Communication, allowing you to undertake the training most suited to your needs. Each course contains five modules featuring video-based accessible learning that is fully narrated, so you can take any course in any order, at your own time and at your own pace. Every module is accompanied by a downloadable script for your own reference, and each course contains a fully downloadable further information document. And remember, this course is currently free if you're a TBA member/ACCESS subscriber.


Course details

Business Operations - Management