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Hairy Caterpillars - is there a risk?

About this Talk

A talk from Dr Judy Cawdell-Smith considering whether hairy caterpillars are a threat and risk to the UK.

Judy Cawdell-Smith came to UQ from equine stud practice in the Hunter Valley in 2004. She is a veterinarian with extensive experience in equine stud practice and racetrack practice and has also worked with ruminants. Judy is now co-ordinator of the Equine Science program at UQ Gatton. Her broad research interests include, equine foetal growth and development, equine reproduction, equine welfare and performance and the effects of heat stress in a number of species including horses, cattle and sheep. These research areas encompass the area of environmental impact on animal production including the role of caterpillars in equine foetal loss; the role of nutrition in the pregnant mare and its effect on future athletic performance of the foetus and the impact of heat stress on production performance and welfare.

Dr Judy Cawdell-Smith, BVSc, DVSc, PhD
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Video details

23m 47s
30 Apr 2021
Talk type: